Thursday, March 15, 2012

Turning My Brown Thumb Green...

I would love to have a green be able to plant anything and have it flourish.  Unfortunately mine is brown.  I kill everything.  It's amazing my pets and kids survive because plants don't stand a chance!

My first foray into gardening was 2 summers ago.  I started with 4 tomato plants, 2 peppers, and some herbs.  Everything but my cilantro was purchased from the farmers market as healthy thriving plants.  I started my cilantro from seed.  The only things that I got anything from was my cherry tomato plant and basil.  My cilantro never grew. Rabbits got my peppers and something would get to my big tomatoes every time they got ripe enough to pick!  I would check them, think "a couple more days till they're ready" and when I went back out, the bottom half would be eaten!

Last year, since we're stuck in a rented house, I tried a patio garden.  I'm thinking my pots were too small for my tomatoes and peppers because all the vegetables were really small!  the skin of the tomatoes were tough and they only grew about a dozen vegetables each.

This year I'm going to try bigger pots and hope for the best!  I really want to get enough tomatoes to get us through the winter without having to buy canned tomatoes! 

Not only will it save us money, but all new the information about canned food is kinda scary.  The lining of cans contains BPA.  Tomatoes particularly (because the are so acidic) break down the lining of the cans and BPA gets into your food!  I cook with a lot of tomatoes so it's very important to me to find an healthier alternative!

For more info on BPA in canned food read here.

And if anyone has any gardening tips. please let me know!!!

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