I have really been trying to limit the amount of refined sugar our family (especially the kiddos) eats. One of the things that had a shockingly high amount of added sugar was yogurt. I was also looking to eliminate the artificial colors. Limiting sugar and dyes really has an effect on Elliot's behavior. I had heard that a restrictive diet did wonders for kids with ADHD, so I figured it couldn't hurt to try it with my very high strung and energetic little man.
My initial thought was to just buy plain yogurt and stir in fresh fruit. Have you ever looked at how much sugar is in plain yogurt?!? It was around 20g per 6oz serving! WAY too much. Enter my crucnchy momma plan...
I found a yogurt maker on amazon, ordered some yogurt starter to go with it, and eagerly awaited their delivery!
You'll need 1 quart of milk (I used skim), yogurt starter, fruit or other flavorings, a bit of sugar and water and a thermometer.
Start by heating your milk to 185-190 degrees. Be careful not to burn it! (not that I'm speaking from experience or anything!) Then set it aside to cool.
Cook your fruit with a bit of water and sugar for 10-15 minutes. The recipe I had called for 1/2 a cup so I used 1/4 cup of each kind. I used about 1/4 of water and 3/4 tbsp of sugar with each fruit. I pureed the fruit after cooking it for my family members that don't like fruit chunks in their yogurt.
Once the milk cools to about 95 degrees, mix the starter with 3/4 of milk. Then mix the starter with all the milk. If you are making all the same flavor, you can mix your fruit into the milk. I put the fruit directly into the jars,poured the milk on top, then gave each a quick stir.
Set your timer for 12 hours (higher fat milk takes less time) and then voila! yogurt!
My finished yogurt was OK. Even after being told to NOT move the yogurt machine, of course, my hubby did. Apparently that can mess with the fermentation process. I think I shorted my milk measurement a bit too because I couldn't fill up my jars all the way. Instead of just making one less yogurt, I evened out the jars. I think that was a mistake. My blueberry yogurt was pretty good; the strawberry was set up right. Everything has a learning curve, I guess...better luck next time.